András Czajlik
PhD Student, Msc
Mail address:
H-1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A
Room 4.102, 4th floor
H-1518 Budapest 112, P.O. Box 32, Hungary
<czajlik> at <para.chem.elte.hu>
+36-1-372-2500 ext. 6429
Short CV:
Place and date of birth:
- Budapest (Hungary), 04th May 1975.
- Research Assistant, Hungarian Academy of Sciences-Eötvös Loránd University, Protein Modeling Group
Scientific interest:
- Structure determination of oligopeptides and small proteins by NMR spectroscooy
- Ab inito calculations of chemical shifts in peptides
- Structural investigation of peptides composed of β-amino acids
Selected publications: (full list)
- András Czajlik, Eszter Meskó, Botond Penke and András Perczel:
Investigation of penetratin peptides. Part 1. The environment dependent conformational properties of penetratin and two of its derivatives.
J. Pept. Sci. (2002) 8(4):151-171.
Structures determined (RCSB PDB):
- Tamás Letoha, Sándor Gaál, Csaba Somlai, András Czajlik, András Perczel and Botond Penke:
Membrane translocation of penetratin and its derivatives in different cell lines.
J. Mol. Recognit. (2003) 16(5):272-279.
- András Czajlik and András Perczel:
Peptide Models XXXII. Computed chemical shift analysis of penetratin fragments
J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM), (2004) 675(1-3): 129-139.
- Ágnes Simon, András Czajlik, András Perczel, György Kéri, Lajos Nyikos,
Zsuzsa Emri, and Julianna Kardos:
Binding crevice for TT-232 in a homology model of type 1 somatostatin receptor
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, (2004) 316(4):1059-1064.