Tamás Beke
Ph.D. student, MSc
Mail address:
H-1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A
Room 427/A (chemistry building, 4th floor)
1518 Budapest 112, Pf.: 32
+36-1-372-2500 / 1408
Short CV:
Place and date of birth:
- Budapest (Hungary),1st1977. szeptember
Research Fields:
- Investigation of α- and β-peptides by quantum chemical calculations and computational methods
- Synthesis of unnatural peptides
Selected publications:
- Tamás Beke, Imre G. Csizmadia, András Perczel:
Theoretical study on tertiary structural elements of β-peptides: Nanotubes formed from parallel-sheet
-derived assemblies of β-peptides
J. Am. Chem. Soc.(2006) 128:5158-5167.
- Tamás Beke, Csaba Somlai, András Perczel:
Toward A Rational Design of β-peptide Structures
J. Comput. Chem. (2006) 27:20-38.
- Tamás Beke, András Czajlik, Imre G. Csizmadia, András Perczel:
Determining suitable lego-structures to estimate stability of larger peptide nanostructures using
computational methods
Phys. Biol., Special Issue on Nanobiology (2006) 3:S26-39.
- Tamás Beke, Imre G. Csizmadia, András Perczel:
On the flexibility of β-peptides
J. Comput. Chem. (2004) 25:285-307.
- András Láng, Anna K. Füzéry, Tamás Beke, Péter Hudáky and András
Potential Energy Curves, Surfaces and Hypersurfaces. A model to follow and
understand the conformational transformations in amino acids.
J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM), (2004), 675, 163-175.
- Péter Hudáky, Tamás Beke, András Perczel:
Side-chain conformational potential energy surfaces associated with
all major backbone folds of neutral tautomers of N- and C-protected
J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM), (2002) 583: 117-135.